As The Deer

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King David was a man subject to passions and desires as you and I are, but the bible tells us he was a man after God’s heart. On one occasion David sings a song of praise to the Lord in gratitude for His deliverance and care for him. Expressing to his readers how God had made him to prosper in all things. Even in war, God gave him insight. Today we will dive into why it is important to align our hearts with our words through God’s Word. 

David says, 2 Samuel 22:33,34, “God is my strength and power, and he maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hinds, as the female of the red deer. One of the attributes that make the Red Deer majestic is their slender bodies with long legs. They have a well-proportioned physique, allowing them to move with agility. In addition, due to their agility and swiftness, they can evade their enemies while maintaining their balance. It is the only group of deer that God made sure-footed to live the lives he planned for them. They may rightly fear their many predators, but they never fear for their feet. Their unchallenged agility can speed them away from the cheetah or the wolf and deliver them to high and safe places the climbing leopard cannot reach.

The Christ-follower has his/her own kind of sure-footedness. 

  • When our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, we can stand in places where those who try to walk barefoot (without the Gospel) through life cannot. 
  • When the Holy Spirit sounds the alarm, we can run like the wind to flee lust, outrunning any temptation that would dare pursue us. 
  • When we have climbed above the danger and outrun the enemy, “We can stand in high places, where truth stretches to the far horizons.”

The Lord wants us to live a victorious life just like King David did during life’s challenges. Only the Word of God can balance us to escape the snares of our enemy. Finding harmony between the heart and words is a key to spiritual balance. Matthew 12:34b tells us “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” God made the deer agile, making them unique amongst other animals who live in the same territory. God has given us talents, weapons, and most of all His Word that makes us unique amongst all Creation. 


Sources Cited 

Steve Phifer – Worship Integrity Artistry Ministry 

Merriam-Webster dictionary 
